Anti-aging secret of an 85-year old iron man

Picture an 85-year-old for a moment.

Now let me ask you: do they look like this?

I used to think time was the main cause of aging. “Anyone who’s 85 will surely be immobile, sickly and weak,” I thought. One thing’s for sure, they’d never run an Iron Man.

But one look at Lew Hollander proved me wrong.

Clearly, aging is a process which takes place within the body. What’s more, Lew has cracked the code to slow that process down.

So how can Lew run an iron-man when most men his age are dead?

Lew says his health comes from eating simple ingredients and getting lots of anaerobic exercise.

It’s excellent advice. You should do the same.

However, there’s something else happening inside Lew’s body. Something he didn’t mention…

“The human lifespan simply reflects the level of free radical oxidative damage that accumulates in the cells,” said Earl Stadtman, who researched aging with the National Institute of Health

Yes, Lew eats well…works out, and that’s keeping him fit.

But it’s the effect this has on Lew’s CELLS which keeps him young.

A normal, happy molecule is balanced with 2 electrons.

However, maintaining this balance in every cell is not possible. A trillion oxygen molecules go through each cell every day. As the oxygen combusts, it spews off free radicals like exhaust fumes from a car engine.

Free radicals are molecules with only one electron.

In their frantic search for balance, they hurtle into other cells within the body. Free radicals steal electrons from other molecules, smash holes in your cells and cause molecular mayhem.

“When enough damage accumulates, cells can’t survive properly any more and they just give up,” said Stadtman. Indeed, many experts agree 80-90% of ALL degenerative diseases involve free radicals.

This continuous damage within the body causes cancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It’s fantastic news…

…Because, unlike time, free radical damage is something you can prevent

You can fight free radical damage with anti-oxidants.

An anti-oxidant is a molecule with an extra electron. It can donate this electron to any free radical, while remaining balanced itself. That’s how Lew stays young – and that’ s how you can, too.

Smoking, pollution, alcohol, processed foods, toxins, UV rays and stress all raise your free radical levels.

Fruits and vegetables, berries and vitamin supplements raise your anti-oxidants. You can literally buy the potion of youth at your supermarket.

Here are the 3 vitamins you must supplement right now.

Do what Lew did. Get out of breath, every day.

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