Amazonian anti-aging secret blocks up to 100% of tumours

How do you slam the brakes on heart disease and cancer?

You’ll find the answer growing deep in the Brazilian rainforest. Brazil nuts are one of the richest selenium sources you can eat. Tests have found this unique mineral blocks up to 100% of tumours.

Because selenium is a ‘powerhouse’ anti-oxidant.

Not only does it…

    Stop bad LDL cholesterol from entering the arteries
    Prevent blood platelets from sticking together and forming clots
    Almost double your immunity in as little as 2 months

…It is also an essential building-block for a substance called glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme zaps free radicals before they can attack your fat molecules.

Without it, the fats in your body turn rancid. Your defenses become horribly weak.

A Finnish study found people with low selenium were 3X more likely to die of heart disease. Still need more proof of selenium’s power?

Well let’s go to the University of California, San Diego where Gerhard Schrauzer works. He found AIDS patients often have unusually low selenium levels. And its this deficiency which allows it to spread so ferociously.

AIDS feeds on selenium. When a cell runs dry, it breaks out in search of more.

“As long as there is enough selenium around in the cells, the virus behaves itself,” says Schrauzer. “When the selenium is depleted, then the virus can switch into a high rate of replication and cause full-blown AIDS.”

It seems selenium works on all viruses, too. Not just AIDS.

Orville A. Levander and Melinda A. Beck tested it on, what should have been, harmless viruses. Easy for the body to crush.

Yet when selenium levels were low, these “harmless” viruses transformed into devastating illnesses. The kind which put strain on your heart and send you to an early grave.

I don’t want to sound too morbid, because the solution is ridiculously simple.

It’s just crucial you understand the importance of selenium. And why you must keep it topped up.

Italian research found your selenium levels drop 7% after age 60. After 75, you have 24% less. And many researchers believe this single deficiency is the primary cause of aging and disease.

1700 elderly Americans had their selenium levels checked. Those with low selenium had significantly more polyps. These small growths can lead to colon cancer.

Another study of 3000 older people found it doubles the risk of lung cancer. Even if you don’t smoke!

How many Brazil nuts does it take to stop the rot?

One handful a day? Two handfuls?

Actually, nothing like that much.

Donald J. Lisk eats 2-4 per day. (Yes, that’s 2-4 nuts). A selenium expert from Cornell University, Lisk discovered one Brazil nut contains around 100 micrograms. So you don’t even need that many to send your selenium levels soaring.

There is one small catch: You’ll need some nutcrackers.

You have to get Brazil nuts in their shells. Only these grow in the selenium-rich soils. Lisk found shelled Brazil nuts contain only 12-25 micrograms of selenium – over 75% less.

Second, Lisk does suggest taking a supplement pill, too. A separate 100 microgram tablet keeps your selenium levels consistent each day.

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