It’s the excess insulin that’s the real problem

This really surprised me.

Oddly, it’s not the excess sugar in your the blood that causes the health problems. Believe it or not, it’s the excess insulin that does the damage.

Too much insulin:

    Promotes fat storage and your body breaking down fat. This means you gain weight.

    Increases cholesterol – and the level of fat in your blood – which means your chances of heart disease just went up.

    Makes your kidneys retain both water and salt which bumps up your blood pressure.

What’s more, too much insulin and too much glucose really give your arteries a bad time, which is more bad news for your blood pressure. So heat attacks and strokes are much more probable. Eventually your kidneys start to fail. Your eyesite gets worse.

Oh yes. It’s all doom and gloom unless you do something about it.

Maybe start with these 5 little gems?

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