Earl Stadtman never lived to 120. But he lived pretty well.
Aged 75, he was still a pioneering biochemist at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. And he stayed young, right up until his death in 2008, aged 89. How?
Earl discovered aging is caused, not by time, but cell damage.
“I think of aging as a disease – a process of progressive physical or mental debilitation and one of the important elements responsible is the generation of free radicals,” he said. “Anything that increases the rate of free radical damage contributes to the aging process.”
Most scientists agree, there is a cap on how long you can live – somewhere around 120 years. If you wish to live that long, you MUST fight the constant onslaught of free radical damage.
And even if you don’t (sadly, there are no guarantees), wouldn’t you prefer to stay young and fit while you are alive? Like Earl did?
If so, there are 3 vitamins you must take daily.
These are the same 3 vitamins Earl took virtually every day of his adult life.
Vitamin E – 400IUs:
Here’s a simple fact. If you’re not supplementing vitamin E, you are not getting enough.
50% of all Americans are vitamin E deficient. You’d need to be on a 5000-calorie diet – almost entirely of fats – to get the right dosage from your food. Multi-vitamins don’t cut it either. Look, I have a pack on my table right now.
It says each dose contains 7.5IUs of vitamin E.
Earl took 400! That’s about 50X more.
Vitamin E prevents arteriosclerosis which kills 500,000 Americans every year. It’s why Harvard’s Dr. Eric Rimm said: “The risk of not taking vitamin E is equivalent to the risk of smoking.”
Let me explain how it works. Here’s why you MUST take this vitamin to delay aging.
Vitamin C – 500 milligrams:
Unlike many anti-oxidants, vitamin C is water soluble.
It can trap free radicals in the watery parts of your body other vitamins can’t reach. Not only that, it regenerates burnt-up vitamin E to keep up the fight.
“Together vitamins C and E are the lions at the gate – battling in different areas, but in concert against the free radicals,” said Jean Carper in her book Stop Aging Now!
Earl supplemented 500mg daily.
However, I know another man who took as much as 18,000! And he claimed it added 20 years to his life. Here’s why.
Beta Carotene – 25000IUs
Beta carotene halves your risk of getting cancer. More than 100 studies prove it.
Because this remarkable anti-oxidant hones in on a free radical known as ‘singlet oxygen.’ Without it, these devastating molecules slip through the net, battering your cell genes into submission.
No wonder Earl took 25000IUs of beta carotene every day.